Design Collection

O1 For Jury Consideration

In this project I explore a future where users have autonomy over their algorithms, where emotions and moments for collective pause allow ones selves to connect back to our bodies. Rabbit, finally a social media algorithm that cares about user emotions. By promoting moments for reflection, Rabbit empowers users to take a step back and look behind the scenes. Come on Alice let's jump into the Rabbit hole!

UX/UI XD Ethnography Wireframing Prototyping User Testing Journey Mapping Empathy Mapping Personas Secondary Research Photoshop


Industrial Design


Rabbit offers Instagram a unique opportunity to collect quantifiable emotional data. Not only helping Instagram curate ad spaces that meet users' emotional needs but also provides a pool of data for Instagram to better train its algorithms to... More

Work by

Jaclyn Flomen aka. Jflodesign

Industrial Design

“In this project, I explore a future where users have autonomy over their algorithms, where emotions and moments for collective pause allow one's selves to connect back to our bodies....” [More]