Artwork Collection

The Human Element; Bayesian Sentiment Analysis

The Human Element; Bayesian Sentiment Analysis
The Human Element; Bayesian Sentiment Analysis


The Human Element; Bayesian Sentiment Analysis

"The human element, the users and servicers of IS, is an often overlooked aspect of IS. An IS may have a nearly perfect internal logic, but if it is not agreeable to the user in both use and output, it is not an effective system. This is especially... More

Bayes Theorem -> Naive Bayes
Bayes Theorem -> Naive Bayes


Bayes Theorem -> Naive Bayes

"The oldest method applied in uncertain reasoning is probability theory. Probabilistic reasoning concentrates basically on computing the posterior probability of the variables of interest given the available evidence. In medicine, for example, the... More

Human Element/ (Info-Seeking) Emotion -> Profit
Human Element/ (Info-Seeking) Emotion -> Profit

Mixed Media

Human Element/ (Info-Seeking) Emotion -> Profit

"Failing to acknowledge the human element as a researcher or user, or the continued influence of factors external to the IS, ignores the type of data that is regarded as most valuable by companies like Google." Fiona Enright. 'Section IV, Part a'... More

Bayesian Ostrakon
Bayesian Ostrakon


Bayesian Ostrakon

1976-7277:... More

Work by

Fiona Enright

Drawing, collage, sculpture

“Virtually every facet of academic, professional, and personal life in modern times is affected by or contained within algorithms. Algorithms, a set of rules that dictate the form and function of...” [More]