Artwork Collection

Flowers for Heinecken

Inspired by Robert Heinecken’s series "Are You Rea", this work emphasizes the multi-dimensionality and materiality of the image. Through its appropriation - this altering of perception provides new ways to experience images previously disseminated for a specific context, purpose and way of viewing. This work invites viewers to see something recognizable in a different light and in ways that you’re not supposed to.

experimental process alternative process robert heinecken LIFE magazine lens-based archival imagery photography found art duchampian xerography animation stop motion appropriation recontextualization

Flowers for Heinecken - Triptych
Flowers for Heinecken - Triptych


Flowers for Heinecken - Triptych

Both sides of a LIFE Magazine page depicted on the same plane - achieved through analog means on a scanner.

LIFE Matchbooks
LIFE Matchbooks


LIFE Matchbooks

Analog and Digital collages made from Life Magazine Covers are appropriated and reduced to the layout of Matchbooks.

Found Collages - Triptych
Found Collages - Triptych


Found Collages - Triptych

In a Duchampian sense, these are found collages fro a magazine that had previously been ripped up by someone else for an ulterior motive.

Work by

Ernesto Cabral de Luna aka. abrokeniris

Lens-based Artist

“My BFA thesis project "Mining For Some Sort of Continuity" interrogates repercussions of colonization: primarily the constraints on movement across borders. The series encompasses archival and...” [More]