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Bronze Portrait Frames
Bronze Portrait Frames


Bronze Portrait Frames

Given how these portrait frames are made, no photographs can be placed in them, therefore denying their main purpose. Instead, they become monuments for the act of remembering itself, and mean to acknowledge its importance independently of a... More

Estela: Installation
Estela: Installation


Estela: Installation

For this installation I explored portrait frames and the way in which we use them as objects of remembrance. The work consists of an arrangement of family pictures, most of which were taken by me, and one frame containing a video performance of me... More

Estela: Poem
Estela: Poem


Estela: Poem

My sister, brother and I, like many other friends and family around us, made the decision to leave Venezuela. We all migrated to different countries, and our parents stayed back home. Any expectations we had about our future, clear or not, were... More

Estela: Video
Estela: Video


Estela: Video

This video consists of a voice over of me reciting poems that are also part of the Estela/Wake project, accompanied by images of my family that are relevant to its themes. These are interwoven with footage of the Kuwait oil fires from Werner... More

Hands that gather and forget.
Hands that gather and forget.


Hands that gather and forget.

Created with Ana Luisa Bernárdez Notz. Hands that gather and forget takes a look at the archive of photographs we’ve created during our yearly visits to Venezuela since we left. When we go home, documenting becomes almost compulsory— a way to... More

La Renuncia
La Renuncia


La Renuncia

The title of this book of cyanotypes is a modified line from a poem by Andrés Eloy Blanco, and refers to the psychological dream-like state that I feel my loved ones and I were when our process of separation began. We separated from our reality and... More

Work by

Sebastián Rodríguez y Vasti