Artwork Collection
01 For Jurying Consideration
Memories of Trips are my inspiration and create moments that form who I am. Layering drawings on tracing paper is my process to document and rescue memories from oblivion. Transferring drawings onto the canvas with colorful shapes and lines, depict... More
For Jurying
Artwork Collection
Drawings on tracing paper
Trips to Asia, Canada, Cuba, and Key West are my inspiration and create moments that form who I am. I use contour lines of different scenes created with ink on the tracing paper. Layering these drawings is my process to document and rescue these... More
Collage Layering drawings Contour lines Memories Who I am
Artwork Collection
These memories of trips allow me to create an inner fantasy world. Transferring these drawings onto the canvas with colorful shapes and lines, depict disparate scenes and a range of my emotions.
Emotions Disparate scenes Create an imaginary place Transferrring drawings onto canvas
Artwork Collection
Traditional Chinese painting
I drop the ink into the water and dip the rice paper to create unpredictable ink marks. Before I put my brush onto the paper, I begin my ritual. Circling the ink stick on the inkstone creates a sound that helps me to calm down. Freely expression... More
Chinese poetry Ritual Spiritual place Inner peace Yearning to belong two both identities
Work by
Yi-Jen Lee
“ During the pandemic, I tend to look back to the past and hold onto the experiences that will shape myself and the future. This process of haunting memories helps me to be more appreciative of...” [More]