Artwork Collection
01 For Jurying Consideration
Colour is a language of lexical categories regarding hues and shades, determined by neural and cognitive functions in the brain. On one end of the spectrum violet waves have the highest frequencies while red waves have the longest wavelengths;... More
Artwork Collection
Into the Ether
Colour is a language of lexical categories regarding hues and shades, determined by neural and cognitive functions in the brain. On one end of the spectrum violet waves have the highest frequencies while red waves have the longest wavelengths;... More
Colour Space Void Memory Time Frequency Wavelength
Work by
Rashvena Khosa aka. VENA
Drawing & Painting
“I deconstruct discourses of time, space, memory, and colour perception by constructing temporal voids of floating tonal vibrations in flux parallel to emotional tones. The idea behind the question:...” [More]