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Artwork Collection

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Digital (nft, photo, illustration)
Digital (nft, photo, illustration)

Artwork Collection

Digital (nft, photo, illustration)

I am currently going through a self-introduction to the digital world. I started exploring VR filters, photography, NFTs, and illustration during the last few months.


Influence from post-muralists
Influence from post-muralists

Artwork Collection

Influence from post-muralists

Produced during my mentorship and friendship with artist Artemio Sepúlveda


Artwork Collection


Work exploring the anthropocene

Virtual Sittings
Virtual Sittings

Artwork Collection

Virtual Sittings


Work by

Paulina Padilla aka. Citronelaa


“My work navigates the instincts of the body in its different manifestations. Experiencing our body through a screen, can magnify the distraction and entrainement lens through which we encounter the...” [More]