Fabiyino (fah-bee-yee-nah) Germain-Bajowa is a Nigerian-Canadian writer, curator, and interdisciplinary artist based in Tkaronto/Toronto. Her writing engages Afro-diasporic archives of thought and memory, passed down through oral history, food, and acts of care. Her art practice and research centre Afro-diasporic experience to build an understanding of the ways archives of physical and immaterial knowledge are constructed in the Black community through the lenses of care theory, Afro-futurism, and archival studies. Her practice emphasizes community building and support, and her work is often based on her lived experiences as a Black queer woman. She is currently pursuing a BFA at OCAD University.
Curatorial Practices Critical Theory Archival Studies Black Diaspora
2022, Ernie and Rivette Herzig Bursary
OCAD University
2020, Andre Boulieu Bursary for Young Visual Artists
OCAD University
2019, Ernie and Rivette Herzig Bursary
OCAD University

Black Female Subjectivity in Writings by O'Grady, Bradley, Bruguera, and Kester
Exhibition Review: Triumphant Alliance of the UbiquitousBlossoms of Incarnate Souls by TauLewis
How to Re-tell History: A Comparative Analysis of "Roaming" by Carrie Mae Weems and "The Migration Series" by Jacob Lawrence
Portals Through Time: Jorian Charlton's Portraiture and a New Black Canadian Visual Culture
Digital Media
Resources for Black 2SLGBTQ+ Youth in Toronto
Temporal Assertiveness Through Materiality in Jacob Lawrence's "Migration Series"
Celebrate the work of OCAD U’s class of 2021/2022!