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Graduate Studies

Design for Health (MDes)

The Master of Design (MDes) in Design for Health program teaches students to become experts in the fast-growing area of health design. Nearly every aspect of health care needs design expertise, including systems, service, program and product design. As more inclusive healthcare policies and practices are developed, a wide range of health challenges are explored including the need for inclusive physical spaces, the emergence of pandemics and the rapid growth of digital health and telehealth delivery.
Rosa Chu
Rosa Chu

Design for Health (MDes)

Rosa Chu

“I have a keen interest in developing solutions to complex issues through stakeholder-centred design. I strongly believe in listening to all perspectives to better understand an issue and create a solution that truly meets the needs of the users. As... More

Maryem Abbas
Maryem Abbas

Design for Health (MDes)

Maryem Abbas

“I'm a UX designer interested in simplifying complex ideas through visual and communication design. When it comes to my work I like to take on a holistic approach in solving design challenges through the lens of empathy and a user-centered approach. More

Maizie Lovatt
Maizie Lovatt

Design for Health (MDes)

Maizie Lovatt

“I have been moved by the 'Designer as Activist' framework and am constantly trying to embody this mission through my work. I strive to think critically about how healthcare provision can be improved/transformed to better serve individuals in need.... More

Carley MacAdam-Thompson
Carley MacAdam-Thompson

Design for Health (MDes)

Carley MacAdam-Thompson

“3 words: curious, honest, mistake-maker. More

Kevin Wu
Kevin Wu

Design for Health (MDes)

Kevin Wu

“My research interest is in exploring how city health issues plays a distinct role in our creative processes. I hope to better understand the precedents we want to set for our futures as designers and creative thinkers. ”

Beverley Freedman
Beverley Freedman

Design for Health (MDes)

Beverley Freedman

“I am passionate about the design and health intersections. As a retired professor of pharmacy at the University of California, San Diego, I continue to find interest in educating in the intersection of health and design. My final research project... More

Hannah Walsh
Hannah Walsh

Design for Health (MDes)

Hannah Walsh

“I'm interested in human-centred design and social innovation for the betterment of the community. Through the use of multidisciplinary practice and intersectional lenses, I design with empathy to consider the perspectives of those I'm creating for. ”

Anie Udofia
Anie Udofia

Design for Health (MDes)

Anie Udofia

Walter Yim
Walter Yim

View Medal Winners

Design for Health (MDes)

Walter Yim

Ya Chih Chang
Ya Chih Chang

Design for Health (MDes)

Ya Chih Chang

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