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painting & animation

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My name is Declan David and I am an ocadu student and an animation artist, I am Toronto based artist born in long island new york and grew up in Trinidad. Being a black artist who focuses on emotions and how they affect tour perceptions of our environment as well as how music affects it too, I explore the possibilities of spray-paint and tagging to create pieces that take spray-paint and elevate it to a more high art form through abstract art. The choice of spray paint as a medium is because it is something very common in the urban settings I am used to. Taking something that is commonly an indication of a poorer place and taking it to a more gallery friendly setting is a sort of a parallel of how I see my self as a kid from a poor part of Trinidad trying to find a place in the art world. I am currently working on a 3-5 min animation exploring the themes of emotional perseverance for gradex . I would like to continue to explore the possibilities of spray paint further while including them in animations in the future.
2022, letters at the end
the great hall 100 mccaul