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Faculty of Art

Experimental Animation

Meet the Artist



Animation & Illustration

“An animator and illustrator with a passion for making emotional, thought-provoking, and experimental work.”

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Gabriel Wang is a Chinese-Canadian animation student currently attending the Experimental Animation program at OCAD University, set to graduate with a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in the summer of 2024. Raised in Ontario, Canada, Gabriel’s artistic journey began at a young age when he would spend hours drawing his favourite characters from comic books and television. With a deep interest in both growth and experimentation as an artist, his current art practices are often changing focus, going from wacky and humorous shorts, to dark and edgy backstories, to light-hearted films exploring more emotional and philosophical themes.
OCAD U - Faculty of Art
Experimental Animation
Major Completed, 2024

2D Animation Digital Illustration

2024, GradEx 109