Meet the Designer
aka. Polymath Synthesizer, Industrial Design
“Polymath Synthesizer seeks to reform the way in which design is practiced by encouraging deviation from traditional methodologies and engaging material from multiple disciplines, promoting more robust conceptual frameworks. The mission is to expedite innovation by inviting and encouraging dynamic Mutli-, Inter- and Transdisciplinary conversations. This will be achieved by creating, archiving, and exploring diverse material made widely accessible with the intention of inspiring individuals to embrace the potential that their unique knowledge base and passions can effectively change their world and that of others when applied to design practice. Design is an instinct, it is how we answer needs, it is the cause for and result of human experience. Polymath Synthesizer is a petition for more diversity, vulnerability and humanity from the aspiring and practicing designer. In this initial iteration, material will draw from the arts, specifically the rich legacies of Jazz music, Representational Abstract art, Poetry and Comedy. ”

Working as a fine artist with an academic background in arts criticism, philosophy and cognitive sciences, I draw upon my broad knowledge base as well as my unique life experiences cultivating a primarily critical and theory based design practice. I am interested interaction design and shaping individual and collective perceptions and experiences of reality. I thrive in collaborative settings, leadership roles, and strive to foster the success of creative visions held by myself and my peers alike. I am honoured to be the committee lead and creative director for the Industrial Design 2022 Graduating Exhibition,:"Future Perfect." My passion is truly seeing the success of others, and working together with my peers, "Future Perfect" will highlight the impressive research and products culminating after two semesters of hard work, both academically and personally, as we move mindfully and hopefully into a "post-pandemic" world.
University of Toronto
Art History
Major Transferred, 2013
Narrative Design Criticism Fine Arts Systems Thinking Design Research Creative Foresight Linguistics Management Consulting Creative Consulting Project Management Client Relations Copywriting Muralist Brand Identity
2022, Rocket Nominee