Faculty of Art





“In my particle I combine the language of kitsch with the power of play and magical thinking. I use these concepts to explore the human condition and how it is influenced by the home and the objects within. I am particularly interested in how these objects and space become entangled with ourselves. This dynamic creates a transitional reality where one can explore different ways of relating to reality and the outside world. Personally this transitional reality has helped me cope with my mental health struggles a child and adult. ”

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Hayley Myatt is a Toronto based sculptor interested in the body and the domestic setting. She creates artworks that metaphorically inject her body into household objects to create surrealist sculptures.
OCAD U - Faculty of Art
Major In progress, 2021

Mould Making Plaster casting Body Casting

2021, Today, Tomorrow, and the Next Day: The Conditioned Human
Beaver Hall Gallery