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Faculty of Design


Meet the Artist



Concept Artist | Illustrator

“My work takes inspiration from both my Asian heritage and real life events. Taking bits and pieces from worldwide events and exaggerating them helps push my concept art to interesting places while still anchoring it with relatable and grounded topics. Adding in Asian influences on top of the previously mentioned philosophy lets me create works that are distinctly captivating.”

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My name is Tom and I have been drawing diligently for the last 20 years. I have always been attracted to the various worlds that I've glimpsed into when I open a new game or watch another movie. My dream is to be able to conceptualize a world of my own for others to get lost in and hopefully inspire future artist to do the same. It is for this goal that I have worked tirelessly on various skills that range from the arts to even the code that brings the art to life.Also I really like to eat. 
OCAD U - Faculty of Design
Major Completed, 2024
OCAD U - Faculty of Arts & Science
Games and Play
Minor Completed, 2024

Illustrator Concept Art Visual Development

2024, GradEx 2024