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Frank J Zhang is an artist who specializes in airbrush art and design for nearly two decades. He graduated from Ontario College of Art and Design University in Illustration and received his MDes from York University. His practice ranges from illustration, murals, custom airbrush painting, graphic design, and teaching. Frank is a graduating MA student in Interdisciplinary Master’s in Art, Media, and Design from OCADU in May 2022. His research theorizes the meaning of seamlessness in airbrush aesthetics in connection with contemporary art discourse of Relational Aesthetics and Antagonism. His current artwork explores conflict as dynamic energy to trigger negotiation in social interactions.
OCAD U - Graduate Studies
Interdisciplinary Master's in Art, Media and Design (MA, MDes and MFA)
Minor Completed, 2022
York University
Master of Design
Major Completed, 2019
Major Completed, 2001

Illustration, Commercial Airbrushing, Painting, Participatory and Interactive Art.

2022, Seamlessness: Imagine Conflict as a Possibility
OCADU Grad Gallery 205 Richmond St. W. Room 118
2021, OCADU Dean’s Scholarship
OCAD University
2020, OCADU Dean’s Scholarship
OCAD University
2018, York University Faculty of Graduate Studies Scholarship
York Unversity
2017, York University Faculty of Graduate Studies Scholarship
York Unversity