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“Counter-cultured and and vast in practice, Haley synthesizes lived experience with a twist of the strange and esoteric to create works that communicate what she struggles to put to words.”

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Haley Kenyon is a multidisciplinary artist based in Toronto, Ontario.Her modeus operandi involves compulsory creation inspired by a myriad of different lived experiences as well as topics that she is passionate about or otherwise interested in, such as love, shame, trauma, pain, death, music, and philosophy. Haley considers her body of work to be highly personal, and believes that every piece is a form of self-portraiture in a way, as even the farthest removed works still reflect in some way the kaleidoscope of her life, personality, and interests. Being passionately and un-apologetically counter-cultured, she isn't shy to use unexpected or crass visual language that may make the masses look down their nose, or avert their eyes completely. However, she refuses to let that thwart them, for being a thorn in the side of the art world is much more her style.Haley has completed a BFA with honours and distinction at OCADU in the Drawing and Painting: Digital Painting and Expanded Animation program.
OCAD U - Faculty of Art
Drawing and Painting: Digital Painting and Expanded Animation
Major In progress, 2024

Animation (hand-drawn) Oil painting Digital drawing & painting Merchandise design Illustration Wearables

2024, EXAN Mid-Way Animation Faire
100 McCaul Room 230
2023, New Visions
Alliance Francaise Toronto - Downtown campus 24 Spadina Road Toronto, ON M5R 2S7
2020, Wavelength X OCADU
165 Augusta Ave
2024, Audience Choice Runner-up