Meet the Designer
Product Design
“How might we help Canadian adolescents (15-19) develop better social awareness during face-to-face interactions to avoid the sense of exclusion caused by pervasive phone behaviour “Phubbing”?Phubbing - A pervasive phone behaviour commonly seen in our society today among different age groups, it describes one ignoring their companions at a social situation in order to attend to one's phone. The behaviour has caused individuals to feel excluded and devalued, as well as decreasing satisfaction felt in different interpersonal interactions (Family, Friends, Romantic Relationships, Corporate Relationships).My project ReConnect aims to raise awareness on the pervasive phone behaviour (Phubbing) among Canadian adolescents (15 -19), and provide them with necessary tools to discuss the issue with their peers to encourage quality interactions.”

Adrian Liu is a multi-disciplinary designer in Toronto with a passion to enhance people's learning experience as well as their daily interactions with different people and services. He is curious and empathetic in nature, which fuels his interest in understanding varied human behaviours and encourages him to seek relentlessly for the best solution that addresses different pain points people are experiencing in their daily interactions.
Design Thinking UX Research Product Design UX/UI Design Behavioural Design
2022, Grad Ex 107
OCAD University
2020, Honourable Mention
Adobe x Amazon Design Jam
2020, Best in festival - Design for Health, Wellness, Aging and Inclusion