Faculty of Arts & Science
Creative Writing
Meet the Artist
aka. January Paige , Writer
“An intimate debut collection of Poetry, Prose and Non-Fictional Short Stories, "Then,When,Once" explores the deepy personal themes of family relationships, trauma, romance and womanhood, inspired by the Indigenous concept of circular story-telling.”

January Paige is a Georgian Bay Metis writer and artist who works closely with the land, time and memory within all that she does. With a focus on poetry, prose and non-fictional short stories, Paige hopes to tell the stories of her life and the lives of her kin that have come before her, and will continue to come after her with great love and honor. Inspired by the Indigenous concept of circular story-telling, Paige often references journals she wrote in as a child as research within her work, and considered everything she creates to be in collaboration with her younger self. Her debut collection Then, When, Once is set to be released within the next year, and will be previewed, accompanied by an interactive installation at OCAD U's Grad Ex 109.
OCAD U - Faculty of Arts & Science
Indigenous Visual Culture
Minor In progress, 2024
Creative Non Fiction Poetry and Prose Short Story
2024, Then, When, Once
Grad Ex 109, OCAD University, 100 McCaul St.

Celebrate the work of OCAD U’s class of 2023/2024!