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Faculty of Design


Meet the Artist




“My mother raised me to believe that to be holy is to suffer, that if I am hungry or tired I should offer that suffering to God, as tribute. I may not be Catholic anymore, but between putting used brushes in my coffee mug and hunching over the details of a painting for hours, I still have a lot of suffering to offer!No matter what, I will be illustrating for the rest of my life.”

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Magdalene Bouchard is a horror enthusiast illustrator with a passion for blue ink. They primarily work in analogue medias like ink, acrylic, and pen, but will often finalize images with adobe software to either drop in colour or boost the texture and feel of their work. Despite the abrupt and at times dark commentary and comedy within their work, they prioritize empathy. Author and artist are not neutral roles; it is strikingly apparent whether or not a creator relates more to victim or villain by how they represent trauma.
OCAD U - Faculty of Design
Major Completed, 2023

Editorial Illustration Classical Painting Monochromatic Ink work Horror and Comedy Political critique Satire Comics and Zines Character design

2023, Major Works
Artscape Youngplace, 180 Shaw street