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Showing results for: Kate Morgan
Womb Sustaining
by Kate Morgan
In moments of stillness, vulnerability, and complete surrender, I am still somehow sustained by something outside of myself. What sustains me? What creates me?
Snow Angel
by Kate Morgan
A snow angel; I lay my body down and make a mark in something temporary and beautiful. I rise to look back at it, a print of my own body, united with the glimmering snow, with the thousands of ice crystals on the surface.
Can You Hear From Beyond the Barrier?
by Kate Morgan
Writing a letter to a friend who has passed away, reading it aloud, burning it up at the beach, and reducing it to ash. I know you are gone, but I do this anyway. I believe, for some reason or another, that you know what I have written. Beyond the... More
Whatever It is, It Touches Everything
by Kate Morgan
Sacred fingerprints are left intentionally upon everything. Whatever it is, it touches everything, from the cool silence of death and the bright sweetness of new life.
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