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Showing results for: Meaghan Tarasick



by Meaghan Tarasick

This illustration shows an old, broken treehouse, forgotten by the children that used to play there, with the ghostly outlines of what it used to be when it was new and full of imagination.

Keep the Light
Keep the Light


Keep the Light

by Meaghan Tarasick

A short, 15 page comic about a lighthouse, its keepers, and the terrible creatures that are said to walk the isle on stormy nights. Read the full comic through the link below!

Long Forgotten
Long Forgotten


Long Forgotten

by Meaghan Tarasick

This illustration depicts a small paper boat caught in the reeds by the edge of a stream, light from the portholes shining on the water. What was once a great ship lies discarded in the weeds.




by Meaghan Tarasick

In this illustration an old and faded toy rocking horse comes to life and tries to break free from the lost childhood memories it's been trapped in.

The Swords
The Swords


The Swords

by Meaghan Tarasick

This illustration shows a pair of sticks embedded in the ground in a sunlit forest, left behind since their last game of pretend and never picked up again. The shadows cast appear as the swords that they once were, and the trees in the foreground... More