Meet the Artist




“A well versed artist experienced in detailed digital works, vibrant acrylic paintings and bold mixed media pieces. ”

Profile Picture
Profile Picture
Hi! My name is Nathalia and I am a 2024 Illustration Grad. My art explores all aspects of traditional mediums all the way to digital programs. I have been drawing all my life in which I plan to continue and bring into my career. Feel free to explore my gradex page and contact me with any inquires or purchases of any pieces. Thanks for visiting! :)
OCAD U - Faculty of Design
Major Completed, 2024

Illustration Digital Illustration Photoshop Linocut Printing Tradtional Illustration Acrylic Painting

2024, OCADU GradEx 109
100 McCaul St, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
2024, OTSS Bursary
The Ontario Trust for Student Support
2019, Communications Technology Award
Holy Trinity Secondary School