Meet the Artist




““Outlier Rodeo” boldly illuminates the unexplored and marginalized people and narratives of the Wild West, casting aside antiquated genre conventions to reveal the raw, diverse, and kick-ass stories often overshadowed by mainstream portrayals.”

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Shanae Winslow dances between worlds as a Toronto-based Illustrator and Creative Writer, bridging our realm with the Cosmic Desert Limbo ( a psychedelic Wild West mindscape that toes the line between the fantastical and the absurd). With brush in hand, Shanae conjures characters and worlds that resonate with a sense of nostalgia and a dash of humour, ranging from the light-hearted to the deeply, darkly satirical.Amidst a digital age, Shanae remains anchored in the analog, revelling in its tactile, raw, human-made essence. This connection allows emotions to flow freely, creating art that is imperfect, beautiful, and humbling.
OCAD U - Faculty of Design
Major In progress, 2024