Meet the Artist



aka. BERNOBAYOBAYLEE, Drawing and painting

“Lee Reid aka Bernobayobaylee is a artist who makes art that not only creates art to stimulate , emphasize and explore but develops conversations of internal psychological , anthropological, struggles of "the human enigma". Forever exploring and playing with the understanding of Human existentialism and the fundemental of detail in cultrue and the idealogical standpoints of human theory. Works as loud as a stadium and playful as a playground, Bernobayo is the both the " asylum and the children's playground"”

Profile Picture
Profile Picture
My name is Lee a Canadian self-taught artist who has been drawing since the young age under the Psuedonym “ Bernobayobaylee” . I mainly practice in the form of "illustrational abstraction", minimalism, and realism, and got my creative start in detailed illustration. My name comes from the stadium the “Santiago Bernabeu” a stadium in Spain. This stadium hosted two international soccer tournaments and is well known stadium that in my mind represents a symbol of “ Universal, life , events etc” that represents my artwork as a mix between of life and momentary suspense , celebration , downfall, and tradgedy. In my early work I focused on the aspects of community and communication between people. After being intrigued in philosophy I began to translate my creative writing in philosophy into visual imagery and poectics. When I am thinking about a scene within a drawing I tend focus on a passion to unite all feelings and multiply the moments, events , states of time within a general story i create to relate and emphasize human idealogy. I tend to try to present alternate states of mind. Naturalism and aspects of nature and to elevate a imaginary view of all our consciousness through stories and "freehand drawing". Using Characteristics of Design, Constructivism, Abstract idea of Industrial design, Minimalism, architecture , and Screenplay. I try to touch on ideas of, fragments of time, poetry, consciousness, see alternate states of mind in the visceral enigma of “Human , animals and life itself.
OCAD U - Faculty of Art
Drawing and Painting
Major In progress, 2023
Ocad University
Drawing and painting
Major Completed, 2023

Drawing and painting Creative writing Poetry
