Meet the Artist



Drawing and Painting

“I want to paint human connection, whatever that means at any given moment. ”

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Shannon Sandwell is a Toronto-based figurative painter, whose work focuses on community and connection. Graduating from OCADU this year with a BFA in Drawing and painting, their work has already been shown at the Etobicoke Civic Center and been featured in the Toronto Star. Working on large-scale acrylic paintings and charcoal drawings, their work pieces together connections that might otherwise be missed.
OCAD U - Faculty of Art
Drawing and Painting
Major In progress, 2024

Drawing & Painting Murals Illustration jewelry

2024, Community
Youthful Vengeance, Toronto
2024, And I Meant It When I Said You're My Favourite Son
Youthful Vengeance, Toronto
2023, Blame
She Said Gallery, Toronto
2023, New Vistas: Next Steps
Etobicoke Civic Centre Art Gallery, Toronto
2023, YOUphoria
Propeller Gallery, Toronto