Meet the Artist

Ante Benedikt



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Ante Benedikt Kurilić is an emerging Croatian multidisciplinary artist currently working and living in Toronto. He completed his BFA degree in the Sculpture/ Installation program from OCAD University in 2020.Ante Benedikt’s practice involves traditional approaches to figurative sculptures and uses multiple techniques and mediums. Ante Benedikt mostly works with clay, plaster, bronze, ceramics, wood, and marble. In his current work, he has explored combining traditional and contemporary digital processes, kinetic installations, various metal casting approaches in aluminum and iron materials, often mixing mediums with everyday objects. He creates composited artworks that question the impacts of human actions on their environments, exploring the identity of belonging and the absence of dreams.
OCAD U - Faculty of Art
Major Completed, 2020
School of Fine Arts, Split
Sculptor Designer
Minor Completed, 2010

Anatomy Sculpting Mouldmaking Carver Foundry Fabrication Public Art Sculpture/Installation Metal Casting Ceramics Woodworking Kinetic sculpture

2020, Locating Impermanence
2020, SCIN Thesis Show; -A Tending to Things
Gallery 1313, Toronto - Postponed
2020, VAM 43 Juried Show
Visual Arts Mississauga at Riverwood
2020, Ignite Gallery Group Show
Toronto - Postponed
2019, Delivery Notice
Beaver Hall Gallery, Toronto
2018, Festival of Body
OCAD University, Toronto
2017, 13th Station of Helmets - Solo exhibition
Anniversary Gallery, OCAD University
2020, Project 31