Meet the Artist



Animation and Painting

“Welcome to Conceptual Abstract Art! View animations relating to mental health surrounding the themes of social norms, isolation, and self-preservation. Capstone - 'Colour Me Perfect' ”

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Alefiya Hassonjee is a conceptual abstract artist graduating with a BFA from the Digital Painting and Expanded Animation program at the OCAD university. Her professional experience includes working as a storyboard artist at the JY Group, interning and working for artist Anda Kubis, website designing, and teaching art at a local Montessori summer camp. Alefiya creates artworks using traditional painting techniques, photography, and animation. As she draws inspiration from life, nature, and literature, her work centers around the themes of social issues, self-exploration, and existentialism. She uses bright colors and fluid shapes in her traditional paintings and adopts an abstract way of storytelling in her animations. She seeks to understand and challenge social norms by hoping to start a conversation with her artwork.
OCAD U - Faculty of Art
Drawing and Painting: Digital Painting and Expanded Animation
Major In progress, 2021

Painting 2D animation Digital Painting

2021, Colour Me Perfect
Gradex, Toronto
2019, What's Going On With Billy Chole?
Ocad University
First Year Exhibition - OCAD University