Meet the Artist



Drawing and Painting

“A being in a state of flux is always becoming, never fully arrived. Am I reaching for a state of perfection or just a state of understanding?My work is an exploration of the shifting intangible nature of identity and the search there of. Finding comfort in the multiplicity of identity as well as the ebb and flow of self actualization. Utilizing notions of the body in states of distortion and movement, the figure and identity are explored as abstractions. Each work tasked with embodying a state of becoming, to capture and visualize the states both pre and post self actualization. The search for home and community without knowledge of what these things may look like. A balancing act of how I am perceived vs how I perceive myself. The ability to live an authentic experience in front of others. And redefining ideas of self worth and interpersonal relationships.My works are an observation of self as well as an attempt to situate myself in a process of discovery of the multifaceted nature of my identity. I exist as many things all simultaneously calling out to be expressed and acknowledged. A queer individual searching for a community they never knew existed, a two spirited first nation person redefining their own perceptions of gender expression, and small town boy from the north adapting to life in the city of Toronto.The works are a combination of intuitive and meticulous ways of working and creating. Utilizing intuitively drawn abstracted figures and composing those figures into larger complex compositions using digital means. The compositions are then laser cut into plexiglass to bring the figures into the viewers space. The works interact with light, the viewer and the space it is placed in.Utilizing abstraction as a way of speaking of the queer body as well as the intangible aspects of identity and expression. The work seeks to find a balance between the figure and the abstract. ”

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Tyler Burey is a multidisciplinary queer indigenous artist from northern Ontario and currently attending OCAD University, living and working in Toronto ON. His work focuses on themes of queer identity, intimacy and the queer body. Tyler uses his practice to attempt to make sense of the complexity of queer life and navigating his way through his newly found community. Aiming to create meaningful representation for both himself and his new community, Tyler seeks to connect his art and identity in new and meaningful ways.
drawing and painting
Major In progress, 2023
OCAD U - Faculty of Art
Drawing and Painting
Major Completed, 2023


2022, Pride Toronto
Stackt Market
2022, Building Brighter Futures