Meet the Artist



2021 OCAD U Medal Winner // Collaborator on medal-winning work Prometheus

“Brian is a creative developer who is passionate about combining art and technology to enrich peoples lives.”

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Medal-winning work Prometheus was co-created by Denzel Arthur, Roshan Leynes, Brian Nguyen and Isaak Shingray.Hey! I'm Brian, a creative developer and builder of cool stuff.Currently, i'm doing my fourth year in the Digital Futures program at OCAD University where I work to combine art and technology to create magic.Previously, I interned at HXOUSE as a Full Stack Developer where I created a new interactive website and new curriculum.In 2018, I was apart of Jam3 as a WE3 developer intern where I ideated, pitched and built augmented reality experiences to partners and clients.Currently I'm finishing my 4th year at OCAD, creating websites at my digital studio called Emdash, and working on my thesis project involving digital agents emulating organic beings.Please check it out below and my other works on my website!
OCAD U - Faculty of Arts & Science
Digital Futures
Major In progress, 2021

Creative Technology Fullstack Developer
