Meet the Artist

Sharlene Jane


Visual Artist

““I cut a mango for you” celebrates nostalgic acts of love within Asian immigrant households, where love wasn’t spoken for, rather shown through acts of service. It is a celebration of Asian immigrant love and how immigrant elders express and share their love to their children, who are not familiar with verbal love. This concept celebrates the true intent and meaning of immigrant family love languages disguised as acts of service and translates this form of trauma into a way of understanding the love behind these acts. Growing up within an immigrant household has shown the lack of affection, comfort and spoken love that children may face which brings on trauma and hurt of living through a silent struggle. “I cut a mango for you” provides an understanding perspective on the acts of services that immigrant children may misjudge today – it welcomes and celebrates the idea that love comes in many indirect forms within immigrant households. ”

Profile Picture
Profile Picture
Sharlene Jane is a visual artist and artistic director based out of Toronto, ON. Influenced by the nostalgia of the 90s and pop culture, her work is meant to promote healing and just ignite a mood. She explores different canvases, textiles and techniques as part of her artistic process and passions. She continues to collaborate with local artists and global retailers such as FootLocker, CoCo Fresh Tea & Juice as well as cannabis brands to explore her creative expression through different outlets.
OCAD U - Faculty of Design
Major Completed, 2022
Humber College - Lakeshore W
Art Foundation Certificate
Minor Completed, 2017

Visual artist and artistic direction
