Meet the Artist
aka. Zoë Starra, Cross-Disciplinary Art: Life Studies
“I believe I can assimilate the modern world with the forces of nature. I want to have the best of both worlds. When I claim that I am a cyborg, I don’t say it to be special or different. My purpose is to express a relationship between technology and people that is so all encompassing that it is no longer possible to tell where I end and machines begin.”

Zoë Roiati-Antonucci, also known as Zoë Starra, was born and raised in Toronto, Canada. She is an interdisciplinary artist who works with both music and visual arts. At a young age, she studied piano at a classical level and completed up to grade 8 at the Royal Conservatory of Music. While studying at OCAD University, she also began her career in music and published her first EP “One with the Sound Waves” which can be streamed on Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon music, and other music streaming sources. Not only has she released her own music, but she has also designed album covers for bands, “The Curse Within” and “Berner Trail”. One of her most recent singles, “Bad Egg” is where she began to explore her cyborg persona that she has incorporated into numerous artworks. She is currently putting together an album that she plans on releasing later in 2021.
Royal Conservatory of Music
Major In progress
Canadian Beauty College
Major Completed, 2021
Logic Pro Komplete Photoshop Premiere Arduino Drawing Painting Sculpture
2021, GradEx106
OCAD University (Remote)
2020, Festival of the Body
OCAD University
2018, First Year Art Celebration Exhibition
OCAD University
2017, Drawing at First Sight
OCAD University