Meet the Designer



Industrial/Product Design

“I ideate, research, explore, and create design solutions to any problem that might need an answer. How can we create a work space in an instant? How can we provide portable seating without sacrificing comfort? What are people interested in next? Every question has an answer and by exploring all the elements we can find the best solution together. I'm always excited to talk about something new and look forward to challenges that come my way.”

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I'm passionate about what I do first, and directly after that, I am an Industrial Designer. I have experience and six years of education in furniture design, architectural planning, interior design, and most notably, product design. I come to my work every day with a drive to solve a problem, by building on what I know and learning from prototyping ideas, and improving on results. The number one constant is I always hope to make someone's life better through design and positive solutions.
OCAD U - Faculty of Design
Industrial Design
Major Completed, 2020
Algonquin College
Major Completed, 2016

Product / Furniture Design

2020, ACIDO Rocket Awards
2020, Human & Environmental Factors Award
ACIDO Rocket