Meet the Artist



Art History

“A fairy, Elf, and a Vampire... what do they all have in common? They are fantasy creatures, not apart of any reality or history lesson, almost like Women from minority groups that have been left out of the world narrative. All these creatures are symbolic of those left out, forgotten and discriminated against. I created these images to be powerful female mythical characters as a way of reclaiming the radical female identity. Through my understanding of oppressed peoples from an historical perspective I seek to create a space for individuality and fight against oppression. ”

Profile Picture
Profile Picture
Born and raised in Toronto, I’ve always been surrounded by creativity and artwork. My passion to create art that fights against oppression comes from my own personal experience. As a Jewish woman, throughout my life I have had to learn and overcome antisemitism and hope to create artwork that speaks against inequality and discrimination.
OCAD U - Faculty of Arts & Science
Visual and Critical Studies
Major In progress, 2023

History of Canadian art
