Meet the Designer



Interior Design

“The environment is where we all meet, where we all have a mutual interest; it is the one thing all of us share. It is not only a mirror of ourselves, but a focusing lens on what we can become."- Lady Bird Johnson”

Profile Picture
Profile Picture
Hi, I’m Madeleine, an interior design student at OCAD University. I’m a passionate designer with interests in the connections between design, inclusivity, and wellbeing. I believe that design has the power to impact us on different levels, shaping our experiences and environments. Throughout my studies, I focused on turning conceptual ideas into practical design solutions, refining my creative thinking and hands-on abilities, striving to build upon what is already there. As I approach graduation in June 2024, I'm excited to apply what I've learned at OCAD to my future career endeavours.Outside of design, I find inspiration in photography and traveling. I believe that travel is the best form of education, offering unique perspectives and insights into different lives and environments. Looking ahead, I'm enthusiastic about continuing my academic journey at the University of Edinburgh, where I'll pursue a MA in Interior, Architectural and Spatial Design to further develop my skills and broaden my perspective in the field.
OCAD U - Faculty of Design
Environmental Design - Interior Design Specialization
Major Completed, 2024

Interior Design 3D Rendering SketchUp InDesign Morpholio Enscape

2024, GradEx 2024