Meet the Artist



aka. meog, Animation

“Animator by day, printmaker by night.”

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Megan Parker is an animator and printmaker based out of Toronto, Ontario interested in surrealism and storytelling. Utilizing a cartoonish style and humour to bring light to darker themes of existentialism and derealization. Aesthetically, she enjoys exploring dynamic lighting and colour in her works. Within printmaking, they enjoy fabric printing and combining photos and illustrations through screenprinting. Graduating from OCAD University in 2024 with a BFA in Animation with a minor in printmaking, they delve into both traditional screen printing and digital mediums.
OCAD U - Faculty of Art
Experimental Animation
Major Completed, 2024
OCAD U - Faculty of Art
Printmaking & Publications
Minor Completed, 2024

Animation Printmaking Illustration

2023, OCADU Valentines Day Artist Alley
100 McCaul Street, Toronto, ON
2021, 50th Annual Art Auction
Dundas Valley School of Art, Hamilton, ON
2019, Student Showcase
Fieldcote Museum, Hamilton, ON
2020, Helen Eisen Scholarship