Meet the Artist



aka. Peridot, Digital illustration, acrylic painting, oil painting

“As an artist with a passion for collaborative style painting, digital illustration, acrylic painting, and oil painting, I have honed my skills to create visually stunning works that showcase my love of comics and animations. From a young age, I have been fascinated by the power of art to tell stories, and my love of Chinese cultural motifs has been a guiding force in my creative journey.My work focuses on portraying the mental conditions of young people, particularly women, in a way that is both poignant and thought-provoking. Whether through the use of bold, bright colors or more subdued, muted tones, I strive to capture the emotional complexity of my subjects, shedding light on the challenges they face and the triumphs they achieve.By using a range of techniques and mediums, including digital illustration and painting, I am able to explore different facets of my artistic vision, bringing a depth and richness to my work that is both engaging and immersive. I am excited to continue exploring new ways of expressing myself through art, and to use my talents to connect with others and share my unique perspective with the world.”

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Graduating from OCAD university in 2023. Love to depict the lives of young boys and girls with bright colors using Chinese cultural motifs, and enjoys promoting Chinese culture and sharing stories through comics.
OCAD U - Faculty of Design
Major Completed, 2023
Bachelor of Arts
Drawing and painting and expanded animation
Major Transferred, 2019

Procreate Oil painting Acrylic paint

2023, GradEx 108
100 Mcaul Street