Meet the Designer
aka. Byron, Modern Tech Enthusiast
“An average Industrial design graduate could do product design and UI/UX. Know a little bit more about 3D printing, 3D modelling and firearms. A tech enthusiast, always eager to explore new technologies and to pay a monthly fee for different AI products nowadays. I believe that life is short and I'm committed to creating projects that have a lasting impact.”

Canada only has a plastic recycling rate of 9% while paper has a recycling rate of 75%. 3D printing product on demand is the cue. Hi, I'm Byron, and I'm excited to introduce my latest project, CoShape. CoShape is a revolutionary system designed to allow users to manufacture fully customized products right in their homes. Businesses will only need to produce the necessary electronic parts and the 3d printing files of the polymer part. user or the consumer will print their polymer part at home. They also can print at Walmart, Staples, or any other 3D printing service provider. 3d Printing centers also offer recycling services to melt down old polymers and turn them into printing material. with CoShape, we're making customization affordable and accessible to everyone. Achieving a reduction in plastic waste and a corresponding increase in the recycling rate.
Motorsoul Riding School
Minor Completed, 2022
3D desgining and printing Furniture Desgin Product Design Service/System Design UI/UX tools Firearm
2023, GoodJobtoGraduate