Meet the Artist

David Zhixuan



“"The Slaughtering Swarm" is a project that explores a variety of arthropods and the unusual survival mechanisms they employ to kill, drawing comparisons between these actions to human behaviours and concepts. This series of illustrations is meant to be a playful, yet morbid look into the world of arthropods while also serving as an informative body of work about these fascinating creatures and their unique abilities.”

Profile Picture
Profile Picture
Good day!I'm a Toronto-based illustrator and I go by VIATHINE online, all caps optional.I primarily work digitally and my passion is dabbling in non-human character designs that incorporate both cute and macabre elements. My style draws inspiration from both Western and Eastern cartoons, as from a young age, I yearned to be able to create colorful and wacky characters like the ones I watched on TV. Through my designs, I seek to express myself and tell captivating stories that involve robots, demons, and cuddly animals.
OCAD U - Faculty of Design
Major In progress, 2023

Character Design
