Meet the Artist



Printmaking & Photography

“When it comes to mourning and grief of others, it has primarily affected me when there is an event of death. It then follows me by forlorn sorrow and silence, with traces of their memories that stay with me. As I introspectively observe my thoughts and emotions of my body, grief feels like an empty shell if I had to describe it poetically. These stories diverge from family members who passed away in the Vietnam War, while others find refuge and had to flee due to political turmoil. I started to explore the mourning rituals within a visual performance by examining the surrounding formality of East Asian culture. ”

Profile Picture
Profile Picture
Born and raised in Vietnam, Helen Tran is a multidisciplinary artist based in Mississauga, Canada. Helen’s body of work ranges from analog film photography, traditional as well as photo-based lithography, intaglio, and a selection of book-art. Tran incorporates printmaking methodology with an array of mixed media within her work, by exploring individual materials that evoke notions of ephemerality and forge these elements through her concept on mourning, healing and cultural rituals. Her current work "If Not Here, Then Where?" is presented in a collective series of woodcut prints and cyanotypes, wherefore she combines the materiality of print, photography, and painting into a unified encaustic narrative. She is a recent graduate in the Printmaking and Publication program with a minor in Photography.
OCAD U - Faculty of Art
Printmaking & Publications
Major Completed, 2021
OCAD U - Faculty of Art
Minor Completed, 2021
Sheridan Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning
Visual and Creative Arts
Major Completed, 2017

Adobe Creative Suite Digital Photography Drawing & Painting Historical Photography Letterpress Printmaking Techniques

2021, If Not Here, Then Where?
GradEx 106, OCAD U
2020, Off The Screen
Propeller Gallery
2020, Murmuración
Open Studio
2019, Artist Alley
OCADU Great Hall
2018, "Stuck" Zine Group Launch
The Beguiling
2018, First Year Drawing Group Exhibition
OCAD U Great Hall
2021, OCAD U Medal Winner
OCAD University
2021, Nora E. Vaughan Award
OCAD University
2020, Don Watt Scholarship
OCAD University