Meet the Artist



Creative Technologist

“I tell stories in unconventional formats...most recently as Augmented Reality toilet graffiti.”

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MARIa deniSE Yala is an artist and storitela who uses technology as a medium. As an interdisciplinary artist motivated by the social issues of today, I am constantly trying to find meaning within my work. My practice embraces a multiplicity of perspectives and often takes a social bent and an activist approach, interweaving themes of identity, feminism, politics, love, religion, sexuality, mental health, and Black womanhood. My latest experimental works explore the AIDS epidemic, using Augmented Reality (AR) latrinalia and a hypertext fairy tale as story formats.I hope to spark dialogue through my work.
OCAD U - Graduate Studies
Digital Futures (MA, MDes and MFA)
Major Completed, 2020
Drexel University
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
Major Completed, 2015

Interactive Storytelling Microsites Augmented Reality HIV & AIDS Activism Web Design / Development Creative Coding

2020, Cyberhaze; OCAD Digital Futures Graduate Exhibition
2020, President's Graduate Award
OCAD University Graduate Program
2020, Medal for the Digital Futures Graduate Program
OCAD University Graduate Program