Eiman (pronounced as ee-man) is a Yemenite-Canadian graphic designer + visual communicator and a forever learning creative currently residing in Toronto, Ontario. Eiman holds an advanced diploma in Visual Communications from Raffles Design Institute and a Bachelor's degree in Graphic Design from OCAD University. Eiman is a graphic designer who can adapt to any environment, perseveres attentively, and follows guidelines respectively, keeping the target audience in mind. Making her vigilant in all things design and life in general really. Her curious mind has a mind of its own, and sometimes she surprises herself with her designs and what she can do as much as her clients enjoy what she's created for them. She enjoys having conversations with different people and loves learning new skills. She’s interested in conceptual design, design management, marketing, advertising, and print production.
Raffles Design Institute
Advanced Diploma in Visual Communication Design
Major Completed, 2018
Graphic Design