Meet the Artist

Mary Claire


Painting and Sculpture

“Using methods of painting, sculpture and digital media, my art is a means to share my experiences and anxieties about the world we live in. My work tackles themes of the body as an exploited object, a keeper of personal history, the growing pains that come with self-discovery, and the struggle to achieve autonomy and self-determination.I enjoy straddling the line of horror and humor. Caught in a constant feed of bad news and bouts of doom-scrolling, using satire and poking-fun are ways I can bring awareness to harm without creating more in the process. As bleak as our circumstances may be, I make an effort to indulge in "silliness" because I do not want to live in a dark and serious world. My current work examines the exploitation of the body and labor, so being able to find joy and amusement in my work helps me to push back against the expectation that we must suffer to see the fruits of our labor.”

Profile Picture
Profile Picture
Mary Page is a multidisciplinary artist based in Toronto, Ontario. Page’s portfolio includes painting in various mediums, sculpture, audio/video installation, and digital collage. Their work is centered around themes of life, labor, and love. Page's work has been displayed in exhibitions like OCAD U’s Self Portrait Exhibition (2018), DRPT Watercolour Landscape display (2019), "To Use of Not Reuse" OCADU DESI Exhibition (2023) and the "Après-Quoi" festival. They will be receiving a BFA in drawing and Painting at OCAD University. Mary Page is committed to creating a sustainable art practice through the recycling and repurposing of waste and discarded materials, and continues to seek out new ways to make their work as accessible to the public as possible.
OCAD U - Faculty of Art
Drawing and Painting
Major In progress, 2023

Drawing and Painting Sculpture and Installation

2023, Après-Quoi Festival
100 McCaul Lobby
2023, To Use or Not to Reuse
100 McCaul Lobby
2019, Watercolour Landscape Showcase
DRPT student lounge
2018, Self-Portrait Exhibition
Ada Slaight Gallery