Faculty of Art

Drawing and Painting

Sarah McCrorie Fairbank

Lost Narration

Acrylic on canvas
This piece was created using many layers of painters tape, acrylic paint, and gold leaf. The jumbled overlapping and colourful shapes represent phases and different realities we all experience while stumbling through life. The delicate linework figure loosely represents our sense of individualism; trying to navigate these phases. We create different personalities in order to adapt to different situations. For most, it's a fact of life. While we are completely consumed in our own identities and realities; those around us also experience their own individualistic realities. Thus, everyone is experiencing their own confusing narration and for the most part unaware of each other's inner workings.

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Confused Narration
Confused Narration

Work by

Sarah McCrorie Fairbank


“This body of work is a combination of a handful of the pieces I created during my time at OCAD, and an exploration of how my practice has evolved throughout that duration of time.”