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Faculty of Arts & Science

Creative Writing

Maha Jahangir


Creative Writing
Commission artwork by @kynerie (IG)
Set in a world reminiscent of the Mughal and Ottoman empires, REIGN is an upper YA romantic fantasy novel with crossover appeal. Told in dual-POV, it’s complete at 126k and holds series potential.

“In a bid to pursue traditional publishing, REIGN is currently being queried around to agents for representation and is not publicly available to be read—however, feel free to follow Maha on social media @onetruedaydreamer (IG) to see where the book lands and when/where you can get your hands on it.”

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Hamza & Mayra (main characters comission)
Hamza & Mayra (main characters comission)
Hamza and Mayra (main characters commission)
Hamza and Mayra (main characters commission)
Hamza Moodboard (main character)
Hamza Moodboard (main character)
Mayra Moodboard (main character)
Mayra Moodboard (main character)

Work by

Maha Jahangir

Creative Writing

“While dabbling in writing across fictional genres, what connects all of Maha's works is her penchant for characters with heart and romances with a heaping of angst; her upper YA romantic fantasy...” [More]