Yuki Nakayama

One Step

Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Aftereffects, Autodesk Maya
1920 x 1080 (16:9)
00:02:20 [hh:mm:ss]
One Step is a silhouette based, single-channel 2D morph animation that self-reflects my past striving experiences, memories, and thoughts. It reveals my past suffers and the confidence for further life. The main theme I consider in my project is the importance and its courage to challenge yourself to new circumstances as I understand how fearful but significant moving a step in life can be. One Step intends to perceive how each step may become the trigger of a new turn, to encounter new connections and developments of life. One Step explores my past through spotting some of my strained, yet meaningful experiences, depicting the struggles of life and the senses to achieve or overcome the goals one step at a time.

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Work by

Yuki Nakayama