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Faculty of Art

Experimental Animation

Mauricio De Los Santos

Spider's Web

3D animation
00:01:39 [hh:mm:ss]
A semester long Project that included pre-production, production and post production. This animated short was done in a group which included 2D artists and 3D artists. The character design and storyboarding was done in group with the story emerging from an animation challenge in which we had to make a story from 1 single musical track.This Project was done in Collaboration with Gizem Güngör and Lemon Rincón GallardoAnimation: Blender 3DTexturing: Substance painter, Blender 3DCompositing: Adobe Premier ProModelling: Maya 3D, Blender 3D

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Work by

Mauricio De Los Santos


“Allow me to show you Magical worlds”