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Faculty of Art

Drawing and Painting

Ksenia Danilova

"Third Street"

Gouache and Watercolour on Wood panel
10" x 12"
"Third Street" is part of my thesis series "After the Event " in which I explore a potential post-climate crisis Earth, where giant plant women hybrids have replaced humans, and the world is thriving as Nature reclaims what's hers. I chose the locations I wished to reimagine based on places I've been in the city that I felt were recognizable or were part of my daily commute. I wanted a mix of popular and obscure locations. The monochrome green evokes nature and plants.

“Exerpt from Thesis Paper:"The world is silent. A green haze has slowly settled over the sleeping city. Saplings and ferns squeeze their way through the cracks in the asphalt. Fallen leaves decorate the overgrown lawns that nobody has kept in years like confetti. A figure watches from a distance, knees held to her chest. The wind toussles her hair, like a caring mother. It rustles branches, playfully picking up the fallen leaves and stray sticks to entertain her child. Its calming whisper can be heard clearly, even at 5 pm on the freeway. The haze doesn’t hurt. The air is fresh and humid. It wraps the houses in warmth like a blanket of ivy. It grows erratically, covering every vertical surface it can reach. It’s grown over the walls, the doors, the railing on the porch, and it’s begun to creep onto the roofs that have long since started leaking water into the vacant homes. "”

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"Third Street"
"Third Street"
2023, GRAD EX 108
OCAD University

Work by

Ksenia Danilova

Drawing Painting

“"My work comes from a place of looking to the future with hope for the Earth and for the resilience of nature, but also an understanding of just how deep of a mess we're in. I approach each piece...” [More]