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Faculty of Arts & Science

Digital Futures

Yannan Ma

Beats & Bolts

Digital Media
Beats & Bolts is a rhythm-based boss fighting game set in the Industrial Revolution. The protagonist is a factory worker whose job got replaced by a giant machine and the gameplay focuses on the player taking down this machine to get their job back. Beats & Bolts was made by a group of 10 students, with 4 from OCADU and 6 from UofT. Yannan Ma (Mayan) was the team lead.Since I was team lead, I contributed in several departments. I was involved in team management, documentation, 3D modeling, post-processing, asset integration, VFX, animation, game design, user experience design, coding, and playtesting. I included some of the process images that capture my processes with 3D modeling the environmental assets, drawing flipbooks on Photoshop to use in Unity's VFX graph, and creating stylized smoke and dust particle effects.I also included the trailer for the game as well as full gameplay.To download the game, visit our page.

“Tool and Skills:- Maya for 3D modeling- Photoshop for drawing flipbooks- Unity for asset integration, post-processing, and VFX graph- Visual Studio Code for scripting- Miro for organization and moodboards”

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Beats & Bolts
Beats & Bolts
Beats & Bolts
Beats & Bolts
Beats & Bolts
Beats & Bolts
Beats & Bolts
Beats & Bolts
2024, Level Up Toronto 2024
Westin Harbor Castle

Work by

Yannan Ma aka. Mayan

Digital Futures

“A lot of my time is spent daydreaming of alternate realities or fantasy worlds. I am drawn towards game design and creation because I feel like it is the perfect medium to bring these dreams to life....” [More]