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Faculty of Arts & Science

Digital Futures

Anas Raza

Snow Fall data Visialization

Digital Media
This visualization is an interactive version of Toronto’s snowfall dataset webpage from The entire visualization is the result of multiple iterations, placement of design elements and numerical manipulation of values. In addition to the changing height of snow pile, I decided to add a measuring ruler and numerical value to visualize the changing nature of snow height. The change in the wind speed and size of the snowflakes also enhance the visualization effect by distincting higher snow level from a lower one. I have tried to insert actual wind speed data, but it was making the visualization complicated. I could only get an average wind speed dataset, the dataset shows a mean value and does not create any visual aid because of its uniform(average) nature.

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Work by

Anas Raza

Experience Designer

“Hi, I’m Anas Raza, an interdisciplinary designer based in Toronto, Canada. My work spans the fields of physical computing, wearable electronics, web interfaces and immersive VR experiences. I have...” [More]