Mary Claire Page

No Pain, No

Mixed Media
Acrylic paint, textile waste and garbage on wood panel
50cm x 60cm
Based on a true story. This piece is an early iteration of what became Mary Page's thesis work, "Employee of the Month".

“No Pain, No” is a response to the “profit over people” mindset. It is common for people to feel the need to “grind” in order to achieve anything. In reality, we are being robbed of our time and energy for little compensation, and we are expected to do so with a smile and can-do attitude.This piece was made of single-use plastic, old couch stuffing, cardboard and foam from online orders, and textile waste. Not only does giving trash a second life keep it out of landfills, but it also aims to criticize the waste produced by large corporations who have no interest in operating in a sustainable way. ”

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No Pain, No
No Pain, No
2023, To Use or Not to Reuse
100 McCaul Lobby

Work by

Mary Claire Page

Painting and Sculpture

“Using methods of painting, sculpture and digital media, my art is a means to share my experiences and anxieties about the world we live in. My work tackles themes of the body as an exploited object,...” [More]